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Trete in deinen Creator State ein: Lass es Wirklichkeit werden


Willkommen beim 3. Schritt deiner Reise: Innovation. Hast du dich jemals in einer Endlosschleife von Planung ohne Umsetzung gefangen gefühlt oder dich von der Komplexität hochtrabender Strategien überwältigt gesehen? Du bist nicht allein – das kennen wir alle!


Aber hier kommt das Beste: Dein Creator State ist der Schlüssel zu wahrer Innovation. Es geht darum, eine agile, flexible Denkweise zu entwickeln, die dich über Perfektionismus hinausbringt und in den Flow der Umsetzung katapultiert. Mit den Werkzeugen und Prinzipien erfolgreicher Unternehmer:innen und Innovator:innen kannst du deine Ideen in die Realität umsetzen. Klar, effektiv und mit Begeisterung.


Stell dir vor, du gestaltest deine Zukunft ohne die Blockaden des Überdenkens. Du gehst mit Klarheit und Selbstvertrauen voran. So wird Transformation sichtbar.


Lass uns die innovative Denkweise freisetzen, den New Work Ansatz in Aktion erleben und beginnen, deine Work-Life-Innovation, von der du immer geträumt hast, umzusetzen. Bereit, in deinen Creator State einzutauchen und deine Vision zu verwirklichen? Lass uns loslegen!​


Unsere Angebote sind derzeit nur auf Englisch verfügbar.
Für Anfragen auf Deutsch kannst du uns gerne direkt hier kontaktieren.

The Design Thinking Deep Dive


Redesign Your Wellbeing Journey!


Join us for an exciting 3-hour workshop where you'll dive into the principles of successful innovation and experience the powerful Design Thinking tool: Fast Forward.


In this hands-on, interactive session, you'll collaborate with like-minded individuals to creatively solve problems and generate fresh ideas for wellbeing.






By the end, you’ll walk away inspired, equipped with a new innovation mindset, and ready to reshape your own wellbeing experience! Ready to innovate?


Join the waitlist for the next workshop here.

Price: 399,- € (net.), only 10 spots available - first come first serve


The Creative Leadership Toolbox


Unlock Your New Work Potential!


This highly dynamic 10-module training series is designed to transform your approach to (online) teamwork and turn you into a creative leader. If you're ready to take your team's performance to new heights, this series will equip you with the practical tools, strategies, and mindset shifts you need to drive innovation and collaboration.​


​Throughout this journey, you'll discover the principles of effective teamwork, sharpen your creative problem-solving skills, and learn how to lead with impact (and yes: fun) in any environment.

With hands-on exercises and expert insights on crafting (online) workshops, you’ll gain the confidence and expertise to navigate challenges and inspire your team to thrive.


Imagine leading a team that’s not only productive but also full of fresh ideas and a growth mindset. The Creative Leadership Toolbox will help you turn that vision into reality.


Ready to step into your role as a creative leader? Let’s dive in and transform the way you and your team work together by joining the waitlist here. Price 999,- € (net.)

The Conscious Design Thinking Certification


Innovate with Purpose and Deliver Results That Matter


Step into a new era of innovation where purpose drives action and ideas create lasting impact. ©Conscious Design Thinking (CDT) goes beyond traditional approaches by combining creative problem-solving with clarity, a thriving mindset, and purpose-driven leadership.


What Makes CDT Unique?

  • Purpose-Driven Innovation: Align actions with your values to fuel meaningful creativity.

  • Break Barriers: Overcome doubts and limiting beliefs with mindset tools that inspire action.

  • From Ideas to Impact: Transform bold visions into sustainable, measurable results.​


CDT isn’t just a process. It’s a transformative framework that empowers leaders and coach to act innovatively and responsibly. Are you ready to innovate with meaning and create solutions that last?


Join the waitlist


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