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How to connect to your higher self for guidance and answers?


Do you hear your voice within?

I often get asked how we can connect better and more frequently with our intuition, our higher self, the universe (the phenomena has many names but refers to the same thing: The great intelligence within). To get answers to questions like Which city to move to? Shall I stay and keep the job or go into the unknown?

It's these questions our physical brain, hard-wired for keeping us safe and where we are, oftentimes fights and doubts. It's this physical brain we have to trick, even overcome, to get to the essence of our intelligence within and the answers we seek.

So, my answer always is: Find space.

Cut the noise.

The more we tune into yourselves, stop running from one life event to the next, and constantly consuming the latest information on our apps, the more space we can provide for our inner world to unfold.

We simply can not hear if we don't stop and listen, right?

Of course, a vacation or a retreat is great to dive deep and connect. But truthfully, you don't have to. In fact, a routine of tuning in daily and making it a habit over time can be much more effective. As it leaves out the pressure, "I only have five days to find out" and makes you a generally more connected person, hearing better and better.

Since you need time to do so, and since we tend to live an ever-busy lifestyle, looking at how you spend your time and with what is a great way to start.

"Global consumers spend an average of 4.2 hours per day using apps on their smartphones, an increase of 30% from just two years prior." -, 2021

You can check all the things you're busy with, your obligations, and courageously cut everything no longer serving you.

Now that might be a big stretch, and for starters, this is a much better approach.

As we live in an information age and the average time we spend on our devices is increasing, I want to draw your attention to your tech devices.

Most of us don't even realize how much time we spend daily, and I can not tell you how many AHAs I had and saw my clients have when going through this mini observation and decision-making process.

1. Ask yourself first and foremost: Am I managing my information? Or is the information managing me?

In other words, do I deliberately choose to open What's App, or is it automatically whenever I see another message popping in? Do I spend the amount that is productive and informative with that App, or is it more than that? And do I feel refreshed, and have I gained from the time spent? Or not?

Ask yourself first and foremost: Am I managing my information? Or is the information managing me?

In other words, do I deliberately choose to open What's App, or is it automatically whenever I see another message popping in? Do I spend the amount that is productive and informative with that App, or is it more than that? And do I feel refreshed, and have I gained from the time spent? Or not?

If something in your gut feels like: Oh man, something is out of balance here. I want to take back control now.

Then you can do this:

2. Observe

Observe yourself for one entire day. Whenever the automatic impulse hits, urging you to interact with an App or a piece of information, take a moment. Put your device away, and instead of giving in to the habit, take back control and three very deep breaths. And then:

3. Ask

Ask yourself: Is this really important right now? Will it be important tomorrow, next week, or even a year from now?


Now, for an entire day, check whether the info you fill your brain and heart with is serving you and whether it is truly making a difference to you right here and now.

Write down your observations in your journal or the workbook. Putting your thought in writing helps you reflect and gain clarity a great deal. Lastly:

4. Decide

At the end of your very brave observation journey, decide to take a leap of faith and cut out Apps and information streams keeping you distracted and filled up without sense and meaning.

Write down the decisions you've made into your journal or the workbook and remind yourself playfully by looking at your sentences or by creating a repetitive reminder on your device.


You just cut out some real noise here. And you gave your intuition the chance of a lifetime to give you guidance and provide you with answers that can catapult you forward. Congrats.

Now the last part is simply a tap on your shoulder and the motivation to keep this habit alive. You can do this. Take your power back;)

With all my love,


PS: Want more tools and inspiration for being the change you wish to see in this world? Subscribe here. XXX


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*DISCLAIMER:  I am not a medical or health care professional and no information that I share can be used in any way for medical advice.  Please consult a health care professional for all your mental / physical health care needs. 

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